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Nuestros proyectos...

The program is aimed at older people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia or age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. This program aims to meet their needs, as well as promote healthy aging and an improvement in their quality of life, offering an accompaniment and support service.

The program is aimed at people with functional diversity. The purpose of Capable Melodies is to promote social interactions by attending to the needs of this group in order to improve their quality of life, promote social inclusion and improve their experience in the social and health environment.

The Choirs, Singing and Remembrance program is aimed at older people with age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. The aim of bringing music closer to this group is to help them remember the songs of their childhood, adolescence, to evoke memories, bring well-being and improve their mood through singing and interaction.

AcompañArte is a program that aims to contribute to the improvement of the mental health of people with functional diversity through the realization of telematic musical performances between volunteers and people who suffer from loneliness.

The Bells for Health program installs bells in oncology day hospitals to accompany and transmit hope to cancer patients. The sound of hope is ringing the bell 3 times, a way of revealing the happiness of those who have completed a treatment.

The initiative consists of installing a grand piano in the hall of the main hospitals in Spain, to perform micro-concerts by the cultural groups in the area near the hospital, (teachers, students of schools and conservatories…), hospital staff, volunteers and prestigious pianists.

The aim of this programme is to equip participants with the necessary skills to offer a new option of employment and self-employment for musical performers: musicians in hospitals and social health centres. During 2022, women in vulnerable situations such as those in rural areas, people under 30 years of age or over 45, unemployed women, etc., have participated in the training and labor insertion program.

Musicians for Health is incorporated into the activity of the member hospitals, through a weekly or daily visit. On each visit we perform 4 micro-concerts in 4 services to accompany patients, companions and healthcare staff.

The Remember, singing and healing program is a project that collects local songs, with the aim of activating childhood memories of people affected by Alzheimer’s through the cognitive stimulation caused by these songs.

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Hazte  Socio

Siendo socio haces posible que pacientes de UCI, cáncer, hemodiálisis, salud mental o niños de pediatría tengan un momento de felicidad y respiro gracias a la música.

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Firma AHORA y únete para pedir al Gobierno que se incluyan a los músicos en hospitales y centros sociosanitarios

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