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Musicians for Health Training

Musicians for Health Training

The aim of this programme is to equip participants with the necessary skills to offer a new option of employment and self-employment for musical performers: musicians in hospitals and social health centres. During 2022, women in vulnerable situations such as those in rural areas, people under 30 years of age or over 45, unemployed women, etc., have participated in the training and labor insertion program.

Principales datos

Beneficiary people
Trained people
People on the job board
Círculo azul


Only 8.5% of musicians can make a living from music. Faced with the absence of work, Spanish interpreters have to migrate to other countries forcibly as the main way of entering the labour market.

The lack of legal framework, especially for older musical artists with many years of career and little contribution to S.S., makes them especially vulnerable. New job opportunities are needed, such as the Musicians for Health social and labor insertion program.

The aim of this programme is to equip participants with the necessary skills to offer a new option of employment and self-employment for musical performers: musicians in hospitals and social health centres.

The labour insertion programmes include an initial diagnosis of the employability of the participants, the objectives they want to achieve throughout the process and the actions to be developed to achieve these objectives. After the training and training of the participants, the last phase of individualized follow-up, job prospecting and monitoring of labor insertions and support for job maintenance begins.

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Musicians for Health Training

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The program is aimed at older people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia or age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. This program aims to meet their needs, as well as promote healthy aging and an improvement in their quality of life, offering an accompaniment and support service.

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Ayúdanos a difundir el mensaje para que la música siga sonando en los hospitales.
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